I wanted to write about July meeting and wanted to get it out of the way before August hit. Here we go- I have changed the group's standing from LLC to social group/savings club- its a pseudo- non profit standing (per US govt classification) this will allow us to get a bank account for cheaper and place us in better position to move to 501C3 status in the future... I presented this fact in the July meeting. Heather Spraga offered to be the secretary of the organization for meetings. A organization document will be presented in the August meeting. Another shocker was the vote to not pursue the Kickstarter on "The Door Book 2" due to short timing. The group can pursue another kickstarter in the future- So pat jackson will have to pursue adspace cost for Book 2. We reviewed the images prepared by Marco Evans in the meeting. The story telling is getting better- Mark Dudley is creative director on book 2 project- and noted that Marco should be ready by end of July. Heather Spraga is working with Dave Perrin to prepare an 8 page comic side story that will appear in Book 2 as well. It will be based off her sci-fi novel that's currently out in stores.