David Perrin,
Gerald Walker (Teon),
Michael Marcus,
Marco Evans,
Patrick Jackson,
and Mark Dudley by skype
we had a real meaty discussion focused on several topics
organization, financing/fundraising, promotion/presentation at conventions, and membership
Dave made a lot of point on observations and statements:
promotion:- creating a group t-shirt for conventions was tagged a way to get membership, show solidarity, and attract attention. Instead of paying dues members get a tshirt for $10, and access to the facebook page , yahoogroup site, and blog as well as potential emailed newsletter.
presentation- sorry for the females in the group- but it was suggested that we get a pretty lady to wear the tshirt and pass out info at the booth to help attract people at the convention- want to stay politically correct-lol
financing projects- Michael Marcus put out there that he was financing his books through "kick-starter" an Amazon tool setup and that we need to think about putting projects like the door through this process- TBD
Mark Dudley who will be leading Palladium Books comics division suggested we try to present "The Door" project to Image- due to the challenge of distribution and dealing with Diamond.
both options of financing and distribution should be understood- but the first priority needs to be about getting Book 1 completed- it was noted about having the book completed by Motorcity convention in May. The current production team will need to meet every two weeks until the product is done- Michael Marcus will be the editor on this project- I got the feeling Teon wants to be Creative director.
Public Relations- Dave Perrin stated he will try to talk to a PR specialist to see if there can be some help in that are for the group.
It was also mentioned about getting a comic store to adopt Detroit Tradecraft as well- everyone thought this to be a great idea-
fundraising idea
It was also mentioned on getting speakers to talk and setting up a paid event to help in financing Detroit Tradecraft projects and convention appearances.
Pat Jackson asked was there a way to set up a panel discussion at Motor City or the Like- everyone agreed it were possible if we contacted the Motorcity ASAP and organized how we would set it up- it should be set up with Detroit Fanfare as well.
Mark Dudley suggested he wanted press releases done for each event as well as getting a single Detroit Tradecraft portfolio to show at the events and conventions- this was agreed to be a good idea- we need to schedule this in for Motorcity ( by May).
Mark Dudley- noted that he will be leading Palladium Books comics division and will be looking for artists in the group once finances are understood.
Pat jackson mentioned (briefly) he will be working with KTUNEZ.com and needs to get animations done- he will need costs on potential 30 second- up to 30 minute animated spots using the Ktunez character- this will be 2d and simple animations similar to DORA the Explorer at first and using the Ktunez music soundtrack songs- he will review with the animation members of group. He imagines these can be either flash or after-affects animations
Michael Marcus is always looking for member submissions to IF-X comics